Happy Holidays everyone! Whether you celebrate Hanukkah, Christmas, Kwanzaa or Yule, December is a month filled with tradition and festivities. One common gift in recent years is that of tablets and e-readers, and what better way to break in those new devices than with some books? Therefore I hope you enjoy this holiday present from… Continue reading Happy Holidays!
(Not-So) Secret Project
One thing I am often asked is the simple: “Can you teach me how to do that?” Usually it is in relation to something regarding the web or social media. For the longest time I was surprised every time this request came up. As somebody who has been immersed in the web for half my… Continue reading (Not-So) Secret Project
One day, he just stopped coming around. It wasn’t something I noticed at first, I mean how often do you notice when the dead don’t appear. But a part of me had gotten used to his regular visits, and as the days stretched into weeks and then months I slowly realized that I might never… Continue reading Departed
Mirror, Mirror
The only sound was that of my heart, slamming in my chest, louder than the panting of my lungs’ desperate attempt to restore oxygen to my system. If muscles made a noise, however, their cacophony would have quickly overwhelmed the sound of the blood pulsing through my veins. Each screamed in its own way, protesting… Continue reading Mirror, Mirror
On being an author, raising prices and paying myself
If anybody actually tracks my prices, they’ll note that today everything jumped by several dollars per piece. I can hear the gasps of “Why would you do that?” already. The answer is simple. I realized that, as a whole, I was undervaluaing my work. This is detrimental to me, and also to other authors both… Continue reading On being an author, raising prices and paying myself
Why (IMHO) The Affordable Care Act addresses only part of the problem.
Let’s start with the positive. I’m excited about Obamacare. Yes, that monthly payment is going to make a serious dent in any discretionary funds I have, but considering I’m fat, and fat is a preexisting condition, it means I’ll be able to get coverage that doesn’t surpass the cost of a mortgage payment. I’m excited… Continue reading Why (IMHO) The Affordable Care Act addresses only part of the problem.
Excuse Our Dust
Sometime soon (hopefully this month) I plan to revamp the website. Got myself some pretty new themes, and I know it’s just in need of a makeover. However, I’m wondering what YOU would like to see more of around here? I know I blog fairly sporadically as I generally don’t have much to say. I… Continue reading Excuse Our Dust
Word Bytes – Rejection Day
Word Bytes number 2, entered into this Writing Contest where the rules stated to come up with a phrase for a multitude of something. Once again 100 word limit. ————————————————————- Her finger hovered over the mouse button. She knew what she would find when she double-clicked. She closed her eyes; her hand made the requisite… Continue reading Word Bytes – Rejection Day
Word Bytes – Witchcraft
The past few weeks I’ve been participating in fun little 100 word or less contests on Janet Reid’s blog. It’s a fun diversion, and a challenge for me since I rarely write so short. Anyway, rather than let them just disappear into the depths of blog comments I decided that somebody here might get a… Continue reading Word Bytes – Witchcraft