On being an author, raising prices and paying myself

Obligatory Pet Photo - Don't let Your Feathers Get Ruffled

If anybody actually tracks my prices, they’ll note that today everything jumped by several dollars per piece. I can hear the gasps of “Why would you do that?” already. The answer is simple. I realized that, as a whole, I was undervaluaing my work. This is detrimental to me, and also to other authors both… Continue reading On being an author, raising prices and paying myself

Why (IMHO) The Affordable Care Act addresses only part of the problem.

Let’s start with the positive. I’m excited about Obamacare. Yes, that monthly payment is going to make a serious dent in any discretionary funds I have, but considering I’m fat, and fat is a preexisting condition, it means I’ll be able to get coverage that doesn’t surpass the cost of a mortgage payment. I’m excited… Continue reading Why (IMHO) The Affordable Care Act addresses only part of the problem.

Dear web designers…

There is something that a good percentage of you still insist on doing, and whether you know it or not you ARE driving away visitors and potential customers as you are actually causing them physical pain in your web design. I’m talking about the dreaded white text/dark background. I used to think it was just… Continue reading Dear web designers…

The Vampire Hunter Chronicles is FREE today June 15th, 2012

 Missed your chance to grab The Vampire Hunter Chronicles for FREE last time? Well today you have another shot. Today,June 15th 2012 the Vampire Hunter Chronicles is free again. Grab it now and don’t miss out! The Vampire Hunter Chronicles While you’re here, take a moment to ensure you never miss out on another free… Continue reading The Vampire Hunter Chronicles is FREE today June 15th, 2012


chapter 5 is up. In order to keep things tidy, and readable, I’m going to make the pages that I post the complete chapters to no longer than 5 chapters. So you’ll see another page go up with chapters 6-10, another with 11 and so on. Hopefully that’ll keep things easy to work with and… Continue reading So…

Hopefully Coming soon…

Been busy with the digital art side of my life lately. To see what I’ve been up to please visit http://dreamsindigitalart.com Anyway, I soon hope to be able to put some of my unique crafts up for sale on this site. I originally hoped that I would be able to implement a shopping cart system,… Continue reading Hopefully Coming soon…

Something is here

I got a little bit of work done today on the site, not much but a little. I now have a few stories and some opinion pieces up. I still do not have any links to Torn or any of my craft stuff up, but at least there is more than just the one post… Continue reading Something is here